I read this Poll by
China saying Magee Q is the ideal woman whereby majority man living on this planet crazily longed to HUG.
What is your opinion? Maybe you answer my question after you have browsed through the picture below ok? Enjoy!

Personally i love this the most (Above) She has those voluptuous body and seductive features which can lure you to surrender yourself to her. Damn it, Why the God are so unfair?!!

She is not curvaceous beauty but more to sex symbol..

Eh come on, don't drool over your PC ok! I know what is in your mind, So do i. Hold yourself!
The world are huge, infinity, countless of races and human being. But when you say BEAUTY, i begged the Oxford dictionary cannot satisfy everyone. It's too subjective. You may say Magee Q is ugly or even not sexy but to some people like me (hehe..) she is Diva (Sex Diva)..Her sexy-ness lies within her gene, her body..Not like somebody who fakes out herself!!This kind of "beauty" i have doubt :p
OK, if i were to carry out 女人最想抱的男人 and you can choose between these two macho man below: a) Bosco Wong or b) Gong Yoon.. Who would you pick?

Bosco Wong

Gong Yoon
Can i submit my vote first?
I want to hug (B) Gong Yoon the most!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am having wild imagination now :p