Monday, September 29, 2008

Artists that i like

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder

Lately i watched a few TVB sitcoms, namely: Moonlight Resonance, and 搜神傳..

I do admit due to that reason i paid a close attention to a few artists that favours me a lot, namely: Tavia Yeung, Linda Chung, Bosco Wong etc.

You can see they (artists) even prompted me to google search them.
Guess who are they? (R) Linda (L) Tavia

Needless to say (R) Raymond Lam (L) Linda Chung

A very fresh outlook. by Linda Chung

I kind of like her genuine side. No make up- No accessory- No pretence- Just Linda

Heem..I like Tavia since the last sitcom..I like her character..she has a strong character..

Boston..erm, his eyes attracts me..Second thing is about his mouth..I wonder is he a good kisser?

drenched in wet shirt..

This is so "backstage"..I don't really know her (far Right) Si Kei..Maybe because her bust is bigger than mine,haha..But i don't like girls that act cute. she is one of it. Thus, among the 3 i prefer the center one.

Dear reader can you draw a conclusion about me?Hehe..
If you are attentive enough then it's not a problem.

Perhaps to those who don't really want to know me, you may pick this entry as a lesson for you to choose your future husband / wife. Derive from her taste bud then more a less you will know he/ she.

Personally, if i were to rank them (Tavia, Linda and Kar Mei- Female actress in Moonlight Resonance) erm.... i will give Tavia (No 1), Probably Kar mei (No 2) then lastly Linda.

I don't know because i think your character, personality and your own style stands longer in you, it outweights your look and appearance.

Thus, don't tell me she is pretty as my judgement for "pretty" is in a wide range.

Sorry for being harsh, but this is ME- Melody the Emperor
I don't hope to stand out but to stand a place. That's it!

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