Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Silence is Golden

If i were to say i am an introvert person. Nobody on earth will gonna believe me. Haha..even me myself.

In actual fact, Yes...i am..I would say its because of my horoscope..My star..

As a geminian, personally, i strongly agreed to this character that lies in my blood. I do not know why..

For the 1st minute i love this song, second minute i can totally been irritated by it. I don't know but i change fast. Rapidly fast!

haha..what about for man?

I hope i could stay stable, consistent and focus all the time. But the thing is i can't possibly make it..I try..i strive hard to stay focus but i just can't ...

My taste for fashion is like chameleon, changing thro moods, vibes, weather, occasion.. I can't even categorize myself in what range..

However, thank god to one thing!i had successfully completed my tertiary level.. At least i am committed to myself and my Parent (most importantly).

Do you like the new career that you first encounter?
I am encountering in fact..
I don't know how to describe the feeling. It's like you are being the role model for a bunch of "new kids of the block"..And to be honest, i am not the good role model. Not for now. So i think one could i could address here is i am being paid for the knowledge / time that i am devoting for. Other than that, please, i don't have the guts nor courage to say i am fit for them to pick up from..

Needless to mention about the decent attire..From the very beginning i DO NOT HAVE. and i DO NOT even intend to make it out. Just be myself.

Can i say it's a CHALLENGE?
I would say life is full of challenges..This maybe the small one. I don't consider it as a Major one. I can cope with it still..
As opposed to "life is like a box of chocolate"..I think that is just coaxing ourselves..

How are you going to face it then?
Well i will try my very best to teach and hope (honestly hope) that i can comply with those stupid red tapes..

More interviews coming up regarding my new career

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