Saturday, October 18, 2008


I don't understand..i really don't understand if u were to say covenant is promise then why a promise is not a covenant?

Why do we need to segregate this two words to make Covenant looks more promising but not a Promise?

Is it really a must to create legal relation to make a promise a covenant?

Yes, i kept on pondering at the same question again and again!!!

I looked through the various of tools to answer my question..

And i will not believe "Better in time", i will never subside nor give in to the situation.

That's why, that's the reason why i keep on procrastinate, keep on searching, keep on making myself wearing unnecessary SKII..

I don't want to let my sixth sense controlling my thinking power..i definitely do not want my illogical dominate my rational part of my cell...But then it's even to say but hard to perform..I realised i am going deeper and deeper to the other side of me that i do not wish to see...

Help me help me...

I know you may not understand what i am saying here but it's okay..As this is the purpose of me writing here..So you don't have to leave any comment.

P/S: do appreciate the time to read till here. Thanks a lot!

H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S easy to say, easier to spell, even easiest to see
BUT difficult to PERFORM..

1 comment:

Moh Herng said...

Covenant is something both party agreed with, start from one party making offer and another agree with the deal together with someone/something to witness.

Promising probably offer by one party out of love and willingness to another party which is not deserve.

A wedding is a covenant rather than just a promise because it is both effort to build it up with the ring on hand to as witness stone...
