Friday, October 3, 2008

A Day without Media Connection

To be specific is TV..

As i am still connecting with internet.

Why? Is it on purpose?or..
(choke)..Excuse me, of course NOT!!I am a movie / series addictologist. For the same series i can watch it over and over (only to those that i like, for instance: coffee prince)

Back to the question. I was busy preparing my notes and meeting a friend from KL
Anyway, this is the 1st time i actually kept myself busy with work that involving with books!!Moreover, its text book. Thank god, as my speed of reading is quite fast. And LAW is not a kidding subject that you can actually read it once. With 1st reading you understand only the surface, after 2nd /3rd time then you can only manage to grasp the gist..Gees, sometimes i wonder why i like LAW..haha..

But are you happy with the work?
Yeah, i would say pretty satisfying!!As compare to corporate arena, i think it's still "manageable" at the moment. I am pretty thrilling now to face on the coming Monday..(It's my 2st official day)..[giggling]

Hey..what song are you listening..
(burst out laughing)..wahahaha..oh, it was a song sent by a friend of mine in Singapore. He is a nice person with talent in composing song as well as mimicking singers like Alicia Keys.

He sang this song with a guitar. When he send me this song, he didn't tell me that it was his work. Then he asked for the comment. Well, i genuinely said out my comment. However, it was a bit straight forward,hahha..He sounded sad and grum. Then i realised it's his work..I felt so sorry for him..As that was his effort to dedicate this song to me..but...

Wow, sounds romantic..Is he your...
No No...He is just a very nice friend of me..i treat him like a brother. He cares for me like how he treats his sister..I still remembered when we first met in Singapore, he looks very shy as if like his 1st time seeing girl,haha..

What is the most vivid impression left by him..
He traveled from North to East to buy me a packet of sweet that i mentioned before when i went shopping with him. Then he took the cab from East to West to deliver the sweets to me..And on his way to find me, he actually lost his way. He walked for 15 minutes to reach my place. I am so touched when i saw his shirt drenched in his sweat!!

Besides this, every time when we go out he takes care of me like a 15 years old kid,haha..Always kept an eye on my safety.. We had a real sweet time together..

Oh one more incident, one day i told him i was sad because i lost my beloved doggie and i mentioned to him i wana go away with my pet too.. He was so worried that he keeps on calling me for than 50 over times!!

I am blessed to have him as a friend and like a brother..

But why is there no progression?he has a gf?
I thought i already answered you just now. We are like brother and sister..He hasn't have a gf (i guess so)..I kind of miss him now..haha..

Do you wish to share your future with him?
haha..Hope so..If you see him, pls convey this msg to him then haha..

But i don't think he likes me...Maybe i am not his cup of coffee..who knows..

He didn't confess?
Not reviewable here. But if you approach me in person, i can brief you..(wahahhaah)

P/s: I received a comment saying that my "interview" are very "eye-catchy"..haha, Is that true? Thanks ya!! If you want to know why i love to use this method then stay tuned with this channel!See u then!


marcusnhl said...

wakakaka, i will let "come faint" to dig out the secret, i am so curious who that guy is, lucky him to have your compliments, seems to me you never praise anyone before.....

i wish to be called: No one said...

Marcusnhl : "come faint" will never succeed in doing this. Before she comes, i will let her come to faint 1st,haha..
I never praised anyone before?Am i that stingy?haha..No lah, i did..It's just that u r too engrossed with your Jawa Mee,never realised only!!
Thanks for your words here..