Sunday, October 5, 2008

what a "blissful" day


Early in the morning i woke up to prepare my notes on Monday..Re-do, re-cap, re-read..
Everything in double..

Mummy astonishingly asked in a much concerned tone "Dear, mummy is worried for you lately!
Curiosity kills a cat replied "Why O ma?"
Mummy exclaimed in a surprise tone "I never in my life realised i have such a diligent daughter before, not even when you were taking your final exam in your last year degree or any stage of your tertiary level!! U sick?"
sarcastically answered "Yeah..i have your gene, don't you know?LAST MINUTE!!"

This is how i bid farewell with my unusual yet funny mum before i left for my work place.

It seems you share a close bond with her,do you?
Undoubtedly, YES!

I had 2 overloaded luncheon with colleagues and comrade of mine. Both in two different place.

I thought you said you want to reduce your weight?
You will never understand a girl's operating system even if you open up her brain!!haha..
One simple explanation: Cannot resist temptation!!

I had Manhattan Fish Market's Seafood Platter with my comrade and a deliciously fried Magee mee with 2 of my colleagues.

P/S: i need to highlight this special colleague of mine..We shared the same passion,i.e.: Dog Lover. He owns more than half a dozen!! He is extrovert yet introvert (as per HIS philosophy). Extremely well-equipped with his academic titles, on his way to obtain his "Permanent Head Damage" P.H.D Doctorate!

Gosh, it seems to me, i am the lowest ranking amongst my fellow colleagues..a minimum standard is a Master..

He is suggesting i am too stingy in praising for others..haha..Alright maybe..
Now i am on my AK 47 to open fire...

I think he is swearing & cursing me now .. I better STOP..


Let's put an end to that..Or else when i see him he will open fire with his rifle to attack me...blek :p

I haven't actually finished my food tour..

I had tea break cum presentation session with my partners..
Interesting!!Because it has been a long time i didn't touch on it..

Thank god,i haven't lost my quality!! The sudden and abrupt disruption did not actually affected my performance. I presented it well and fluently until he appears..I then realised how tiny am shrink i am in front of him..Again, my one time idol..

Closed the deal :> hopefully


thought of resting at home..SMSs..Calls..pops up..fine, entertained with them..

Tele-conference in skype with project kaki..Last minute rap up!

some entertainment...Mega!!

Few episodes later..stomachache..there goes my night..

turned and tossed for more than an hour..

3am..morning..sms..S.O.S for rescue!!

Haha..i know my dear friend in KL..Known to be a NIGHT OWL..
Day=Night ; Night=Day (Routine of his body biological clock)

"Wei...i can't sleep..."
"Can i call you.."

Brain storming session conversation (half n hour)
guess what? dreamt of him when i slept later..Gees,i think i don't want to call anyone next time to avoid any nightmares..haha

hang up

flipping the channel..Just realised Malaysia local channel on air during wee hours..i watched Buka raya movie..

5am...Finally zzzzzzzzzz.........

Today, this morning...3 sms's beeping tone... and 1 phone call wake me up from my sleep...Damn!!

See, i had a blissful yet busy day

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