Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sick day

This weekend i was down with influenza and sore throat..

The end of my 1st week in my work place and this is what i diagnosed. Really demoralizing!!

Anyway, i think it is quite a good weekend to rest for me too as the weather keeps on raining make me feel so dizzy and sleepy.

So i keep on zzzzz....then eat then zzzzz.. Monday, i am going to become a P.I.G.

This weekend i watched a very nice sitcom. It's called "when a dog loves a cats". It is informative because it gives us the knowledge of how to understand your pet, how to get close to them, how to train them!!And you can see different different breeds of dogs as well.

Oh ya talking about dog, Today Sunday Star reported a funny article named " the less intelligence dogs in the world" i.e.: difficult to train.

Haha, guess what? even Basset hound was in the list.
Chow Chow was on the list too..i am so happy that lion head was on the list because i HATE chow chow the most!!!!
I knew that..i knew that...haha..from their look you know that chow chow is stupid in fact fat and dumb dumb!!
Luckily, my pincher was out but Shih Tzu was in the list..Eeee...i don't really like dogs with furs..So basically, i won keep any pet with Long furs. Though golden retriever was one of my favourite but due to his golden long fur i prefer rottweiler.

That report was very funny so you guys must read especially Mr Nxxx...

Oh Ya, today i read Mr. Nxx blog..and i truly understand his feeling.
Well, maybe reader can help me to justify this.

Today i went to a meeting. The gist of the meeting is pinpointing at the student's poor performance in their result. Mainly the head is trying to point the finger to the lecturer saying that why lecturers did not train the student to answer indirect question. Of course, there are some protestor voiced out their dissatisfaction.. I was not involved in the tornado but i can understand how they felt..

What i think of is they were too comfortable with the style and method of teaching. I doubt some of them know where the library is. (I mean the direction). Imagine if you are one of them, will you be prepared that tsunami will hit on you one day? You, of course, will be thinking aiyo why bothers my teacher will prepare one lah. What i need to worry of is after class go where to hang out.

On the other hand, if you are that kind were the lecturer come in only telling you the main point of the area and the rest of the donkey work (for instance: which page, what to highlight, which book) handle by you then i am sure you have the preparation to welcome any type of tsunami from coming. This is what i called a real "apprentice"

Though i graduated not long but as far as i remember my college do not offered that kind of services that if your lecturer did not tell you which page to highlight, what keyword to look for in internet you can complain..

My lecturers are foreigner. Some came as far as Africa and UK..Student like us cannot have the opportunity to grumble of their accent needless to say their teaching method. I still remember my Public Law lecturer (Mr Masum), he was an African. From the 1st day till the end of the semester i don't get a single word from him because of his accent. But his dedication and hard work really moved my heart away. He talked to us in the library till he sweat!!haha..Library, we called it as an IGLU..Someone can sweat in an IGLU!!He told me that he was angry of himself for not letting the student understand. He used most of his break time and his own time with us..

So really..I don't know what to complain. I know i have no choice. I can rely my lecturer to help me. Moreover westerner teaching method and Asian teaching method is of a thousand miles different.

innovative learning VS spoon feeding learning~~~Is a CONTROVERSIAL issue over the centuries.
And it will never stop Because RESULT, REPUTATION and IMAGE was too important and flamboyant to resist.

Last but not least, those who are in this field feel free to share your feeling with me. More than anything to hear from you.

1 comment:

marcusnhl said...

poor u, hope u get well soon, and hope u r not getting bird-flu...dude, u better take mc n stay at home til u recover, i scare u transmit the flu 2 us....hahahaha rest more n drink more water, get well soon....(all the time all of us tot tat u r very healthy one...)