Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Stage Fright

Finally, sudah rasa..

haha..finally, i found the taste..Argh, Yuan Lai shi zhe yang de @_@

Luckily, being blessed by nine Emperor gods.. My day has passed on successfully and easily..

At first, i was freaking freak out!

1st, do not know how to operate the damn ass whole projector

2nd, after being assisted by a samaritan (student, i will give u a gud grade ya :p) it was being moved to the middle of the class.

3rd, Heck the classroom was Long, Huge and spacious!! Why!!!My voice has repeatedly echoed!!Argh, hearing your own voice again and again is not that good..Because the student complaint too soft evendof i have shouted out my lungs!!

Yes, this is the consequences of not presenting yourself 15 mins earlier!! Or else you could have got yourself a MIC!!!Damn @#$%%...

Looking at the bottles on the table make me thirsty..Shit, i want a sweet to quench my thirst!! Again, not bringing your own bottle!!

4th, suddenly the notes were given wrongly by that xxxx...Yeah...How great is my luck..

You see all those fortunate stuff pop ups during my 1st lecture..I wonder is that on purpose..Or rather a challenge to test on my tolerability..

Fine, i conquered it..Brushed off..magnificently continue despite lacking all those things..Speak with the top of my lungs..steady with no notes..

Thank god for the early preparation of slides!!Or else i don't know what to do!!

If i were to give my presentation today, i would say 70%..

One thing i felt glad of..they were not sleepy..In fact they listened to my story rather sweetly..Melodiously,haha..I am so touched by your patience..At least, i turned a white bread into something tasteful. With peanut and jam is much better than plain toast rite?!!

Thank you!!

1 comment:

marcusnhl said...

no worry dude,1st lecturer always like that,take it easy. may the force with u,hahahahaha next time bring mic, n if anything regarding the hardware, then just give 5 minutes toilet break, n go to maintenance office seek for helps. if u can teach without referring the notes, students will pay more attention to you and show more respect to you.